
The mythology (also called mytharc) refers to a series of episodes in The X-Files that primarily focuses on an overarching story, involving the efforts of Mulder and Scully to investigate and expose the conspiracy to suppress knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrials.

The mytharc can get quite confusing so whilst I'm watching it all from the beginning I'm writing notes to help me remember it all. FYI, the notes contain spoilers.

The wiki entries on The Syndicate, The Colonists and The Men in Black are super helpful to get your head around it all.

Season 1 - full episode list

  • "Pilot"
        - A strong start: teens; woods; abduction; Scully in cruddy underwear
  • "Deep Throat"
        - The military; mysterious aircrafts; memory tampering
  • "Fallen Angel"
        - UFO crash; weird invisible alien; Max Fenig; abduction
  • "E.B.E."
        - Lone Gunmen; aliens on earth; chasing trucks; hoaxes
  • "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
        - E.T. bacteria; men in tanks; experiments; cover ups

Season 2 - full episode list

  • "Little Green Men"
        - Mulder goes mental in a hut in Puerto Rico
  • "Duane Barry"
        - Abduction; nutso Duane; implants
  • "Ascension"
        - Hostages; Krycek; cable car; poor Scully :(
  • "One Breath"
        - Scully's cray dreams & cover ups
  • "Red Museum"
        - E.T. bacteria; teen abductions; a cult
  • "Colony"
        - A bounty hunter & some clones
  • "End Game"
        - More of the same + submarine
  • "Anasazi"
        - Native Americans; the tape; Mulder goes cray; Mulder's Dad

Season 3 - full episode list

  • "The Blessing Way"
        - The Syndicate; Healing Mulder; the Well-Manicured Man; implants; Scully's sister
  • "Paper Clip"
        - This one is THE ONE; the tape; tissue samples; filing cabinets; aliens!!
  • "Nisei"
        - Japanese scientists; MUFON!; the train
  • "731"
        - Leprosy camp; oh no maybe they weren't aliens/hybrids afterall...
  • "Piper Maru"
        - Black oil; possession; radiation; the tape (again, forever); poor Skinner!
  • "Apocrypha"
        - More black oil; Krycek atop UFO then trapped
  • "Talitha Cumi"
        - Jeremiah Smith; Mulder's mum; alien bounty hunter

Season 4 - full episode list

  • "Herrenvolk"
        - Clone children; bounty hunter; goodbye X; bees; Mulder's mum healed
  • "Tunguska"
        - Russia; diplomatic pouch; black oil; yawn
  • "Terma"
        - Gulag; black oil; blahhh
  • "Memento Mori"
        - Cancer; goodbye MUFON; assassins; hybrids born from abductees
  • "Tempus Fugit"
        - Max Fenig in a plane crash; UFO abduction
  • "Max"
        - More Max and planes and UFOs
  • "Zero Sum"
        - Bees; Skinner cover ups
  • "Demons"
        - Mulder's missing time; experimental psychiatry; flashbacks
  • "Gethsemane"
        - Alien body in the ice; Kritschgau; alien mythos a hoax to cover up military wrongdoings?

Season 5 - full episode list

  • "Redux"
        - Fake deaths; fake aliens; cure for cancer
  • "Redux II"
        - Mulder's sister; some faff about who's the traitor in the FBI; Smoking Man dead; Roush
  • "Christmas Carol"
        - Scully home for Christmas; weird phone calls; cover-ups; Scully has a daughter
  • "Emily"
        - Scully's daughter ill; she's a hybrid; she dies
  • "Patient X"
        - Kazakstan; Krycek; scary face bounty hunters setting people on fire; Cassandra; Jeffrey Spender; the chips are calling
  • "The Red and the Black"
        - Black oil vaccine; colonists vs. rebels; Smoking Man is alive!
  • "The End"
        - Kiddy chess; Smokey Man is back in play; Mulder's office BURNED

Movie - wiki

  • The X-Files
        - Scary alien found in the desert gives people a virus; bees are being farmed that transport a different virus and Scully gets it; Scully kidnapped and Mulder looks for her; Scully and other humans are incubating scary aliens inside a space ship in Antarctica; Mulder saves Scully

Season 6 - full episode list

  • "The Beginning"
        - Spender and Fowley assigned to the X-files; scary alien gestates in Roush scientist
  • "S.R. 819"
        - Skinner gets all veiny due to nanotechnology and Krycek wears a wig
  • "Two Fathers"
        - Rebels; Cassandra's back & she's the perf hybrid
  • "One Son"
        - Syndicate decides to commence colonisation; rebels intervene; bye Syndicate!
  • "Biogenesis"
        - Artefact found; all life is alien?; Mulder goes cray

Season 7 - full episode list

  • "The Sixth Extinction"
        - Mulder in a coma; Scully hanging out on a beach deciphering a space ship
  • "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati"
        - Mulder is the perf hybrid now; Smokey tries to steal his DNA; some other nonsense; Scully saves him
  • "Sein Und Zeit"
        - Fake Santa abducting some kids; Mulder's mother dies
  • "Closure"
        - Psychic leads Mulder to his sister's old home (w/ Smokey & Jeffrey); loads of nonsense w/ ghost kids
  • "En Ami"
        - Smokey is dying; he sets Scully up to meet a scientist who has the key to healing all human disease; the scientist is assassinated
  • "Requiem"
        - A craft crashes; Mulder gets abducted; Scully finds out she's pregnant

Season 8 - full episode list

  • "Within"
        - Doggett arives; Skinner & Scully try to find Mulder; they find out he knew he was dying; they go and look for chess kid
  • "Without"
        - Alien pretends to be Mulder/other people and tries to take chess kid
  • "The Gift"
        - Barely mytharc; Dogg and Scully go to a place Mulder had been, seeking a cure; soul eater in the woods
  • "Per Manum"
        - Alien babies; doctors' cover-up; is Scully's baby okay?
  • "This Is Not Happening"
        - UFO returns lady; Jeremiah Smith; UFO cult; Mulder back & dead
  • "DeadAlive"
        - Billy Miles found; Mulder alive afterall but incubating alien virus; Scully saves him
  • "Three Words"
        - Some stuff happens; "Fight the Future"; Rohrer has weird bumps on his neck
  • "Vienen"
        - Oil rig w/ black oil on it
  • "Essence"
        - Billy alien burning the fertility clinics; Scully's baby is perfect omg!
  • "Existence"
        - Hiding Scully; Super soldiers; Scully gives birth with alien super soldiers watching

Season 9 - full episode list

  • "Nothing Important Happened Today"
        - Super soldier drowning folk; Mulder's gone
  • "Nothing Important Happened Today II"
        - Ship with experiments on; Chloramine in the water; McMahon (super soldier) helps FBI
  • "Trust No 1"
        - e-mails from Mulder; baby snatchers; surveillance
  • "Provenance"
        - UFO found; healing artefact; baby in danger
  • "Providence"
        - Finding baby William; UFO; cult; is Mulder dead?
  • "Jump the Shark"
        - WE
  • "William"
        - DID
  • "The Truth"
        - IT

Season 10 (comics) - full issue list

  • Volume 1
        - X-files hacked; oil/magnetite pipeline; Acolytes; Yellowstone UFO
  • Volume 2
        - Testing Purity Control in a school; X full of green goo; some Smokey backstory
  • Volume 3
        - Black oil in Saudi Arabia; Krycek is back; Mulder hosts an alien; Neo-Syndicate rising; Skyland Mountain
  • Volume 4